Automatic posting of my bookmarks
Do you use a web based bookmarking system? What??!?? You don’t? Why not? They are AWESOME!!
I currently use a service called, which can be found by click here. When I find an interesting web site or web page during my daily surfing, I will bookmark it with and assign tags to it, so they are easily located again as my list gets big. If you are interested in seeing what items I have bookmarked, go to If you know my tags, you can also use them as part of the URL. For example, when I find interesting articles about Apple Remote Desktop, I tag them with the keyword ard. To see all of my bookmarked web pages about ARD in, you would go to this URL: is even able to make RSS feeds out of any of those keywords if you want to subscribe to them via any RSS news reader.
Just recently I ran across a WordPress plugin called Postalicious that will log in to your account and make a post in your blog automatically with the bookmarks you created that day in That sounds pretty cool, so I’m going to try that for a while here. Let me know what you think.
One Person has left comments on this post
Ooooo…a “delicious” idea indeed. I will definitely be ripping this off for, Pete. Thanks!