Blog Attacked!

I’m really bummed. Over the last few days, someone has attacked my blog. I’ve been running a slightly out-of-date version of MoveableType, and a comment spammer managed to figure out a way to replace my POSTS with comment spam on a bunch of my entries. ARGH!! Don’t worry though, it was all backed up. Err. Ummm…. OK. Maybe not ALL of it. 🙁 A bunch of it though. I hadn’t backed up in a month or two, and most of those posts are now toast. I even checked Google to see if there were cached versions of the post. There weren’t. Oh well. Lesson learned.

I am taking this opportunity to switch to a new blogging platform. The new system is called WordPress. So far, I really like it. One of the nicest features is the comment moderation. That will help cut down on the comment spamming that has been troubling me for a while now. You’ll have to bear with me a bit as I get WordPress tweaked to the way I want it, but that shouldn’t take too long. Thanks for your patience.